Saturday, March 1, 2008

It will all melt

As the snow continues to fall, think about what will happen to all the melting snow....where does it go? The Connecticut River is the major place. As we wish for spring, the soon-to-be-melting snow can serve as a reminder to consider our lawncare practices.

Think Blue, a state organization is "is a spirited and creative outreach and education campaign that inspires individuals to greater stewardship of Massachusetts waters. Our goal is to improve water quality by reducing or eliminating polluted stormwater runoff. How do we do that? By increasing citizen awareness and action, and educating community officials on the importance of managing polluted stormwater. Think Blue Massachusetts Campaign originated in the North Shore to Cape Cod Bays area as a partnership of the Massachusetts Bays Estuary Association and the Massachusetts Bays Program. Think Blue is being brought to the Connecticut River watershed through the Connecticut River Stormwater Committee. Together with the Think Blue coalition of 17 government, nonprofit and private sector organizations, we are a strong force for the protection and restoration of our waters."

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